Grooming Your Golden Mountain Doodle: Essential Tips for Health and Beauty

Grooming your Golden Mountain Doodle

Golden Mountain Doodles need regular grooming, particularly if they are furnished and curly-coated.

The poodle in the lineage of the GMD is not double-coated like many other dog breeds. Therefore, a poodle’s hair grows, and sheds, but it rolls back into the coat rather than falling off. This is why it is considered non-shedding, although that is not a technically accurate term.[1] The reason allergy-sufferers usually do well with a poodle or mixed-breed isn’t so much because they are “non-shedding” as it is because the poodle breed is known to shed much less dander, and much less frequently, than other breeds. Dander is what allergy sufferers typically react to. This is why poodles and cross-breeds are considered “hypo-allergenic.”

Just like a poodle, the GMD has hair that typically rolls back toward the skin and gets trapped in the coat rather than falling off.  Brushing your dog’s coat regularly is important for removing this trapped fur, so that you can collect it in the brush rather than see those little “tumbleweeds” roll around your living room or have fur fall on your clothes. This is especially important if you chose a Doodle because of allergy concerns. Even a well-groomed Doodle may shed minimally during seasonal coat changes, or may have tufts of hair fall out if pet aggressively or when playing with other dogs. This should be somewhat expected, but can be well-managed with a consistent grooming routine.

Straight-coated dogs or those with a lighter wave can be brushed 2-3 times per week, while daily (or at least every other day) is best for wavier or curly coats. This is because curly-coated dogs mat easily; significant matting often means a dog will need to be shorn when they get to their monthly groomer’s appointment, as brushing out stubborn mats is very difficult and can be painful for your dog.

Grooming according to coat type
The GMD on the left has a wavy coat; the GMD on the right has a curly coat.

It is important to use the right brush and the right technique when brushing your Golden Mountain Doodle. [2] Use a wire “slicker” brush with a line-brushing method, focusing on one section at a time. This will allow you to catch any tangles before they progress to matting.

recommended grooming brush
Chris Christensen "Big G" slicker brush Image credit: (

Regular brushing should be supplemented with an occasional “sanitary groom” (also called a “face, feet and fanny”). This sanitary groom is just a trim around these key areas to keep your dog as clean as possible between regular grooming sessions. You can learn to do this yourself, or have a professional groomer do it. How often your dog gets a full-body cut depends on the look you like (more or less “floof”). Most people have their dogs groomed every 4-6 weeks.

If you have an unfurnished Golden Mountain Doodle, regular brushing (2-3 times per week) is probably sufficient, with a full-body groom as often as needed to maintain the look you prefer.

When it comes to bathing, less is usually more. Over-bathing can lead to dry skin, scratching, and possibly secondary skin infections that can be difficult to treat. [3]

We’ll add a few Amazon Affiliate links to recommended grooming products below. More information and additional links in “Recommended Pet Products: Health and Care.”

Basic grooming set with safety tips
Low-noise, re-chargeable clippers
Pricey, but worth the price--the Chris Christensen slicker
Highly rated for whitening and tear stain removal
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