Join us in providing quality content! Take a look at our Guidelines and Writer Agreement, then get in touch.
Thank you for expressing interest in submitting content to GoldenMountainDoodles.info. We welcome all submissions; however, please note that publication on our website is not guaranteed.
If you submit content for publication, it is understood that you consent to our Writer agreement as specified here. In the event that your article is selected, we reserve the right to edit it for grammar, clarity, accuracy, and potential bias.
We do not offer financial compensation for articles, but you can provide an author bio with a link to your website upon publication of your article. Images can be included in the article as well.
By submitting your content for consideration to GoldenMountainDoodles.info (herein referred to as “the Company”), you (herein referred to as “the Writer”) consent to the following as terms of our mutual agreement:
1. Writer’s submission of content does not guarantee publication of content by Company. Company makes no guarantee regarding communication about submissions, although it is their intent to do so.
2. Company reserves the right to edit all submissions at will to conform to policies regarding length, word choice, tone, and overall style of writing. It is Company’s intent to communicate with Writer regarding all changes, and Writer will have final approval before publication. Content, once published, can also be removed at the discretion of Company.
3. Company retains the permanent and non-exclusive right to publish the Writer’s original works, including accompanying artistic submissions (i.e., photographs) via electronic, digital, or print means. In all forms of publication, Writer will be acknowledged as the original content creator and Company will include a brief bio (which may include a Web site link) that is approved by the Writer.
4. Writer will not receive any financial compensation in any form for any submitted works, either at the time of publication or in the future. They will retain authorship and rights to re-publish the work in other electronic, digital, or print means, with the written note in the by-line that the “content was originally published on GoldenMountainDoodles.info.”
5. Writer will not deliberately include any dishonest , plagiarized or inaccurate statements in the Article, which will be an original work of authorship written entirely by Writer. The article is not in the public domain, has not appeared and will not appear in any printed or published source, including without limitation on the Internet. The Article does not and will not infringe, violate or conflict with the intellectual property rights or other legal rights of any person or entity.
The Article is not defamatory, libelous, obscene or an incitement to an illegal act, does not illegally infringe upon the privacy or contract rights of any person or entity, does not violate the law of any state or the United States, and does not contain any harmful or injurious content, recipes, instructions , or recommendations.
Writer has not and will not solicit, receive or accept payment, compensation or anything of value from any third party in exchange for inserting, using or recommending a name, product or other content in the Article, and will reveal to Company any actual, apparent or potential conflict of interest which might interfere with or bias the nature, content or tone of the Article in a manner unacceptable to Company.
Writer will retain all sources and support or verify all statements of fact, quotations, and other citations in the Article at the request and to the satisfaction of Company.
6. Writer’s submission of any content to Company serves as an acknowledgment of, and agreement with, all the terms set forth herein. It prohibits any legal action on the part of the Writer toward Company for any reason.
If you are interested in submitting to our site, please visit our contact page to get in touch. Articles can be provided as a Word document and photos as a jpeg image.
For help in formatting your article, you may find the MLA Style Center helpful. You can search for topics such as, “how to format footnotes,” and “how to cite an Internet news article.”